
Wednesday 2 September 2020

Computer Network | What is Computer Network | Everything About Computer Network | Basic of Computer Network | Types Of Computer Network | Types of Computer Network Topology | UTP | STP | Point to point Communication | Application Of Computer Network | Networking and Communication

Computer Network

Introduction :

The modern internet is called Network of Networks. The internet is basically a huge network of servers, mobile phones, systems and also another networks etc. Now the question is, what is the network or computer network?

Definition of Computer Network 

Computer network is a numbers of computers(also known as nodes) connected by some communication lines for the purpose of sharing resources and secure communication.

Basically, when a set of computers connected together is called computer network.

 Historical Events of Computer Network:

The first idea of computer network is given by ARPNET is stands for ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECT AGENCY, was proposed by LEONARD KLEINROCK in 1961

At October 29,1969 the first massage  send through the network(The network has only four nodes such as, University of California, Los Angeles University of California Santa Barbara, The Stanfrod Research Institute, University of Utha).

The first massage share between Computer Network

The first massage is "LogIn" its share between University of California, Los Angeles and Stanfrod Research Institute.

But the network was crashed  after the user typing "Lo".

Ø  In 1984 the 1st commercial computer installed UNIVAC I.

Ø  In 1958 the 1st communication satellite launched.

Ø  In 1964 SABRE airline reservation system packet switching network(proposed by RAND) .

Modes of communication using in Computer Network:

The main purpose of making computer network is Secure communication and sharing resources(such as massage, files, data etc.). so there are many types communication is present in now a days, classified as: 

  •        Point to point communication

                                               i.           Dedicated medium.

a.     Simplex communication.

b.     Half duplex communication.

c.      Full duplex communication.

                                             ii.          Shared medium.

§  Multiplexing.

  •        Broad casting.

    i.                 Dedicated medium(channel level-one way).

    ii.               Shared medium(Multiple access).

·       Multicasting.

Classification of computer network:

§  Local Area Network(LAN).

§  Metropolitan Area Network(MAN).

§  Wide Area Network(WAN).

Classification of the Transmission Media of Computer Network:

Transmission media of computer network is broadly classified into followings types:

·       Guided Media:

it is also referred to as wired or bounded transmission media. It is classified into following types:

i.                 Twisted Pair Cable.

It is also classified into two types:

a.     Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable(UTP).

b.     Shielded Twisted Pair Cable(UTP).

ii.                Coaxial Cable.

iii.              Optical Fiber Cable

·       Unguided Media:

 It is classified into following types:

i.                 Radio waves propagation.

ii.                Microwaves propagation.

iii.              Infrared propagation.

Basic Components of Computer Network:    

To design the computer Network we need some components. The basic component of computer Networks are :

a.     HUB.

b.     SWITCH.

c.      MODEM.

d.     ROUTER.

e.     SERVER.   

f.       REPEATERS.

g.     GATEWAY.

Network Topology Design :

The topology of computer Network describe as the way the computer are connected together. The topology is a major designed for cost and reliability. A Network is two or more devices connected to each other through connecting links.

The classification of Computer Network Topology are:

There are two way to connect the computers or devices, such as:

I.                 Point to Point Connection :

In point to Point to connection or P to P connection, Computers connected by communication channels that each connection exactly two computers.

II.               Multipoint Connection :

The multipoint connection is classified into following way :

a.     Mesh Topology.

b.     Star Topology.

c.      Ring Topology.

d.     Bus Topology.

e.     Tree Topology.

f.       Hybrid Topology.

What Are The Application of Computer Network ?

The first computer Network, the aim was secure communication between Solider. But in year 2020, there are many application such as,

·       Exchange of information between different computers.

·       Interconnected small computers in place of large computers.

·       Communication tools.

·       Some applications and  technologies are distributed system.

·    Printer sharing.

·    Data Protection.

·    Remote Access.

·    World Wide Web,Digital audio an video,Mails,Chats, IOTs and more also.

Thank You.

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