
Friday 18 December 2020

Fundamentals of Multiplex | TDM | FDM | Block diagram of multiplex | Advantages and Disadvantages | Application

What is Multiplexing 

In Telecommunication and Computer Networks, 

Multiplexing  or multiplexer defined as a technique which allows many users to share  multiple analog or digital signals into a common communication channel or single medium.

Why Multiplexing is Needed ?

Multiplexing or Muxing , are extremely important important to computer Networking and Telecommunications. because

i. To reduce the number of electrical or data connection or links.

ii. To share Band Width between the Users.

iii. To increase channel Capacity.

iv. To make signal secure.

v. To make cost efficiency.

Advantages of Multiplexer

i. System cost reduce.

ii. Power Cost decreasing.

Disadvantages of Multiplexer 

i. Added delays in switching ports.

ii. Limitations on which ports can be used simultaneously.

iii. Extra IO many require to control multiplexer.

Types of Multiplexing 

There are mainly two types of multiplexing, such as

a. Time Division Multiplexing (TDM).

b. Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM).

  but we can also classified this way

Time Division Multiplex(TDM)

Time Division Multiplex(TDM) is method which transmits several signals or connection or links at different times.

  Time division multiplex (TDM) is also known as a digital circuit switched.

TDM can be  Classifed as :

1. Synchronous TDM (Sync TDM).

2. Asynchronous TDM (Async TDM).

Time Division Multiplex Access(TDMA) :

it is a channel access method , it allows several users to share the same frequency channel by dividing the signal into different time slots.

Block diagram of  Time Division Multiplex(TDM) -->

Advantages of Time Division Multiplex(TDM)

i. TDM circuit is not complex

ii. Problem of Cross Talk is not severe

iii. more Flexible than FDM

Disadvantages of Time Division Multiplex(TDM)

i.  Synchronization required between transmitter and receiver

ii. complex to implement.

Applications of Time Division Multiplex(TDM)

i. It is used in Digital Audio mixing system

ii. Half Duplex Communication System

iii. PCM transmission system

iv. wire line telephone lines

Frequency Division Multiplex(FDM)

Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDMA) is a based on the idea that the multiple number of signal can share Bandwidth of common communication channel.

The multiple Signal is transmitted over this channel. each are used a separate modulator circuit. each carrier frequency is different.

Block diagram of Frequency Division Multiplex(FDM)

Advantages of Frequency Division Multiplex(FDM)

i. Large number of signal can be transmitted.

ii. Not need to synchronize the transmitter and receiver.

iii. FDM system has high reliability.

iv. The demodulation process in FDM is simple and very easy.

Disadvantages of Frequency Division Multiplex(FDM)

i. FDM circuit is complex and extremely expensive.

ii. Crosstalk

iii. FDM has not dynamic coordination.

iv.  Frequency Division Multiplexing system needs a carrier wave or carrier signal but Time Division Multiplexing system does not need carrier signal.

Application of Frequency Division Multiplex(FDM)

i. 1st Generation cellular telephone system

ii. FM

iii. Radio broadcasting

iv. TV broadcasting

v. Satellite Communication

You can Also read: Computer Network | What is Computer Network

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